I am a New York State Licensed Massage Therapist, in fulltime private practice since 1995 when I earned my Massage Therapy degree at the Somerset School of Massage Therapy in Somerset, NJ. I am an active member of the American Massage Therapy Association and attend the yearly New York State Chapter conferences, obtaining new credentials and up-leveling my work.
I earned my Theapeutic Touch certification with Sister Rita Jean DuBrey in 2001, and my Reiki Master training with Marie Manuchehri in 2016 (energyintuitive.com). With over two decades of energy work experience, I have also developed energy healing techniques of my own that I bring to each session.
I have been meditating throughout my adult life, and received my Neelakantha Meditation initiation as taught by Blue Throat Yoga (bluethroatyoga.com) in 2016. I am on the path to becoming a certified teacher of Neelakantha Meditation.
Massage therapy, energy healing, and meditation all support and enhance healing, wellness, vitality, and the expansion of body-mind health. My thousands of hands-on hours with clients paired with a strong foundational knowledge of the body’s anatomy and physiology have proven this.
Taking good care of ourselves isn’t a luxury - it’s a necessity. When we take good care of ourselves we are much better able to take care of everything else. Massage and meditation are healthy components of a healthy lifestyle. With gratitude, I look forward to being part of your healthy life path.
You'll find me and Studio 3 in the newly renovated 9 West Main in Cambridge, NY.